SEPTEMBER 24, 2023
IN ATTENDANCE: Gary Brown, 3 representatives from Campbell Crest HOA (John Maffei, Ed Lustigman, Don Tomasek), Bill and Debbie Elvey, Mike and Donna Gaither, George and Marge Hawes, Tom Innes, Debra Knox, Mike and Karen Knox, Brad Martin, Jane Miller, Kip Sharlow (proxy), Letha Sigado, Carol Woehler.
The Annual Meeting began with a welcome by current POA Board of Director President Letha Sigado.
Letha reminded residents to adhere to posted speed limits as there are many walkers on the neighborhood roads. She also made mention that bear activity has been present for the past couple of weeks encouraging residents to wait until Monday mornings to put out their trash. In addition, she stressed the importance of keeping the culverts and ditches on properties free from leaf clogs. (The landscape service will be blowing ditches and culverts every two weeks until leaf season ends.)
Mike Knox presented the budget. Income remains the same as in 2023 due to the continuation of the current $400 annual assessment. Any excess funds will, once again, be deposited in our reserve account.
There was a question regarding the culverts at the Campbell Woods entrance. The city recommended that a clean out box be installed in order to prevent clogging and erosion. The current BOD is working on this issue. Reserve funds may be used for this project if needed along with maintaining the turn around on upper Henry Dingus Way.
Mike Gaither made the motion to approve the budget as presented for 2024. Bill Elvey seconded the motion. All voted in favor of passing the budget for 2024.
Brad Martin asked a question regarding maintenance of Bellewood Drive as it is in need of repair. Bellewood Drive as well as Buttercup and other driveways are considered the responsibility of the property owners rather than the association or the city.
Letha addressed those in attendance stating that she would be stepping down as president of the POA and would no longer be on the board in any capacity. Mike Gaither nominated Gary Brown to the BOD, Ed Lustigman made a motion that the remainder of the current BOD stay in place. Bill Elvey seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.
John Maffei thanked the Campbell Woods BOD for their cooperation in agreeing to split the annual assessment of Campbell Crest HOA for 2023 into two payments as Campbell Crest property owners had experienced unusual expenditures for deck repairs in 2023.
Meeting adjourned by Letha Sigado.
BOD meeting subsequent to the Annual Meeting
Letha Sigado, Gary Brown, Mike Knox, Mike Gaither, Tom Innes and Debra Knox.
The BOD elected officers for the 2024 calendar year.
Gary Brown, President, Tom Innes, Vice President, Mike Knox, Treasurer, Debra Knox, Secretary, Mike Gaither, Director.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra Knox, Secretary
Campbell Woods POA